America's Beauty Show Day One
America's Beauty Show Day One
Kenra Models Ready to walk the runway
Kenra Models Ready to walk the runway
Schwarzkopf platform artists.
Schwarzkopf platform artists.
The Mad Men era at Beauty Bash
The Mad Men era at Beauty Bash
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America's Beauty Show Day One
America's Beauty Show Day One
Kenra Models Ready to walk the runway
Kenra Models Ready to walk the runway
Schwarzkopf platform artists.
Schwarzkopf platform artists.
The Mad Men era at Beauty Bash
The Mad Men era at Beauty Bash

It’s my kind of town… and my kind of show.  America’s Beauty Show (ABS) in Chicago reflects the big-hearted city that is its host—bustling with energy, bursting with warmth and welcome and always something new around the corner.   And here is a little of what I saw…

The man with the can is now the man with the plan.  Michael O’ Rourke, the charming creative force behind Rock Your Hair, introduced a new feature to his website and a new way to interact with his brand.  Rock Your Hair launched a special Stylist Code (RYHPRO12) for stylists to sign up online at to buy direct and share in the reward that comes with carrying his products.   Keep watching as they roll out this rock show across the US.

Schwarzkopf came prepared.  With a completely buttoned-up presentation and beautifully produced platform, they are serious about their color system, IGORA, and about their Schwarzkopf –specific programs designed to build business in the salon.  An international brand with an especially loyal following in Canada, Schwarzkopf is looking at the US and liking what it sees—opportunity.

Sassoon had me at ‘Mad Dogs and English Men’.  I must find out who designed the playlist for their runway show because hearing Noel Coward singing at a beauty show was so unexpected, so cheeky and, well, so Sassoon.  I arrived too late to see everything so I’ll plant myself in a chair tomorrow.

Robb Dupre talked Kenra Color (“Simply Stunning Results”) to a crowded classroom.   Interested to hear Dupre say Ombre is so 2011; he is transitioning into Seamless Diffusion.  He asked us to think of a watercolor painting to illustrate this technique in which you don’t see a specific start and stop, but a darker base gradually blended out.

In the Texture Pavillion, I spoke with Jane Carter, the creator of Jane Carter Solution, Home Grown Hair Care.  This natural hair care product line is designed for all hair types and textures.  Carter’s message is bigger than how to tame and style.  “As the planet evolves, so do our families. In my house, we have just about every different hair texture imaginable.”

Pollyseon is Polly Shrewsbury and Judy Seonkyng Im.   These women have partnered to introduce travel cases for transporting and organizing beauty tools and products.  In developing their prototypes, they worked with consultants to NASA and NIKE.

Cosmetologists Chicago celebrated 100 years of serving Chicago’s cosmetologists and Pivot Point celebrated 50 years of educating them all over the world with the Beauty Bash.  Thank you for an incredible runway show of hair creations that walked us through ten beautiful decades. 

I’ll close with this quote from Pivot Point’s 1960s textbook A Scientific Approach to Hair Designs:

“This book does not end on the final page.  It begins here.”

More beginnings tomorrow!

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