NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
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NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply
NYFW: GO24.7 Styles SuitSupply

European men’s fashion brand Suitsupply brought a vision of sophisticated dystopia for its Fall/Winter 2018 season. Taking a cue from the uncertain state of global affairs, the brand presents their newest collection through a lens of all things modern and sci-fi futurist.

With a palette foundation of rich emerald greens and concrete greys — inspired by ideas of urban decay and futuristic tech —The Beauty of Dystopia, as the collection is called, takes its inspiration from films whose themes and place in cinematic history have made them quintessential representations of our collective internet-age imagination — among them the likes of Maze Runner, Ex Machina, and the groundbreaking Fritz Lang classic, Metropolis.

For hair, GO24.7 Ambassador Manny Pardon led the grooming theme, "The Effortless Gentleman."

Get the look: 

  • Prep by using GO24.7 Shampoo and Conditioner. 
  • Separate hair on top and create a horse show pattern around the sides and back starting where recession meets the temples. Using hands, work UNITE 7Seconds Leave In Conditioner through the sides and back of the hair in a downward motion, work the hair on top upward and back and then toss to left and then the right. This technique allows the product to penetrate the hair cuticle and adds mobility and is the foundation for versatile styling. 
  • Then blow dry hair using high heat and use your fingers to work the sides and back downward and back. 
  • Rough dry hair on top the left and then to the right. Take the hair on top and separate into three horizontal sections; wrap the back section around around a 33mm round brush to dry hair and up/back/left/right. 
  • After hair is 80% dry, take a dime size of GO24.7 Styling Cream and work through palms and fingertips. Start from the back of the head, working styling cream into the hair in a downward motion. then move forward towards the temples and push hair down and then back. Take remainder of product and tussle through the top using fingertips as a wide tooth comb. Tussle hair left, right and then back in a horizontal direction. 
  • Use tiny amount of GO24.7 Texture Paste on top sections, run fingertips through the top in horizontal direction. Allow hair on top, especially front to fall allowing for an effortless and natural look. 
  • Finish with a light douse of GO24.7 Control Spray on the sides and use palms to smooth backs and sides.
  • https://www.go247men.com/

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