A Proud Hair-itage
MODERN SALON has no problem revealing its age. In 2024, MODERN will be celebrating its 100th birthday.
Born in 1924, MODERN SALON originated as "Modern Beauty Shop" magazine. The magazine’s purpose –then, as now—was to serve the evolving beauty and salon industry by offering practical advice, showcasing the latest trends, and providing a platform for professionals to share their expertise.
In 1952, the magazine underwent a significant rebranding, changing its name from "Modern Beauty Shop" to "MODERN SALON." This change reflected a broader scope and MODERN expanded its coverage to include not only hairstyling but also skincare, makeup, and other aspects of the salon business.
The publication became a go-to resource for salon owners, stylists, and beauty professionals seeking insights into industry trends, product innovations, and business strategies.
Recently, I was gifted two issues of Modern Beauty Shop (thank you, Rick Thornton of Alaska’s Artic Beauty Supply!), and as I page through the July and December 1939 editions, it’s obvious that the more things change, the more some remain the same.
The issue is heavy on tutorials and step-by-steps outlining sectioning, placement of rollers, and top tips for permanent waves. We learn from Jean Schmidt of Detroit how to transform a tailored daytime look into a “fluffy, evening style”:
“Hair must do more than merely ‘go up’ this season…it must ‘go up with a purpose.’ In other words, today’s smart coiffure is not the unimaginative and all too familiar exponent of the comb-your-own-hair school, featuring the straight up swoop topped by a bundle of unwieldy curls; it is, rather, a carefully thought-out design for the individual who wears it.”
In this same issue is an article by Louis Lerner called, “No Time on My Hands!” which illustrates that stylists and salons have been dealing with no-shows forever, and that not having a good strategy for schedule keeping and booking can cost you money.
There is reporting from across the industry in “The News Parade,” with full-page coverage of the goings-on of the different associations. It also includes mentions of salon openings, beauty shows, and in-person classes.
Today, MODERN SALON continues to serve the evolving beauty and salon industry—and we want to help shape that evolution. Our commitment to staying relevant and informative—in an industry where new trends, technologies, and techniques emerge every day—involves tapping into a diversity of voices and celebrating the beauty makers and the game changers.
We want our next 100 years to be as diverse and inclusive as the world we celebrate.
Anne Moratto
Director of Brand Content Strategy, MODERN SALON