Going Lighter: Four Steps To Bright Ash Blonde


Ludovic Geheniaux (@hairbyluu) says client Leana is a professional model. “She wanted a big color change and told me that she wanted to go lighter. I proposed she had to just trust me.” The EUGENE PERMA Professional educator and ambassador says lightening and color correction are his specialties.

Here the Paris based artist shares the how-to on Leana who arrived with natural haircolor with 2 year old lightened tips:


First color service:

Lighten using Powder 7 from Eugene PERMA blended with 10 volume developer.

Process for 75 minutes. Shampoo.

After first lightening service
After first lightening service

Second color service:

Lighten using Powder 7 and Olaplex with 30 volume developer. Process for 90 minutes. Shampoo.

After second lightening service
After second lightening service

Third color service:

Lighten with Powder 7 + Olaplex on damp hair with 20 volume developer. Process for 20 minutes. Shampoo.

Tone with 10.02 to address the yellow before the final color service.

Final color service:

Color with "Carmen" Eugene PERMA  and 10 volume developer with Olaplex (ratio:: 1+2)

Root formula : Carmen -  9*21 + 5*12

Mids and lengths: Carmen -  10*01

Process for 30 minutes and then rinse.

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