January kicks off a new year with new product launches, services and trends. But how do you interpret them for your clients? How do you make more money? That’s what this issue is all about.
We kick off the bright beginnings theme with a look at how salons and beauty pros from around the country are building their average ticket sales by taking advantage of at-the-bowl or processing time, or building in the price of treatments to every client. See how you can maximize time with your clients in Service Spotlight on page 62.
And in Face and Body on page 74, learn how to become an informed retailer and build trust for your clients to encourage repurchasing and results.
This year, don’t dismiss an extreme hair color finish or collection because of the shades featured or its over-the-top styling—reimagine it to what fits the taste and lifestyle of you and your clients.
“As artists and educators, sometimes we use avant-garde colors to get the hairdresser’s attention,” says Nick Pagano, who interpreted the Goldwell Color Zoom D!srupt trend for his collection on page 84. “Focus on the technique and adjust the color to make the look accessible for your clientele.”
A lavender and silver color melt can be reimagined as honey and chocolate. A microcrimped chignon can inspire a texturized French braid (see Damien Carney’s Texture Tactics collection on page 82.)
How are you beginning 2017 in a big way? You don’t have to start 2017 from scratch, try building upon your established success.
Happy New Year!