Sometimes you need a push from someone else to spark a bright idea.
February brings us one month closer to warmer weather and longer days—and this issue of MODERN SALON brings you page after page of inspiring haircuts, fresh silhouettes and modern finishes.
We take a look at texture and balance, weight removal and feature emphasis, tried-and-true, and trendy—and shine a light on the tools to take you there. As 2014 was the year of the pixie, we asked design master Sam Villa to demonstrate how one grows out the short crop while still being on-trend.
He delivers impactful results in the Dual Identity step-by-step. And hair transformations don’t stop at the head—eyelash extensions can make your clients peepers’ really pop!
Learn how to get involved in becoming an extensionist in Face and Body. If you made boosting retail sales part of your New Year’s resolution, be sure to turn to page 86 to read about co-washing, cleansing conditioner product category that your clients will soon be asking you about.
In Product Spotlight, we’ve rounded up some of the industry’s top-performing shears and razors to help create the looks your clients crave. All this and more in the February issue of MODERN.