Note From the Editor: Follow the Leader
No issue brings more excitement and anticipation than our MODERN SALON 100 Game Changers issue. Throughout the year, our editors work on assembling this annual list of who we’re following, why we love their work and how these influencers are making waves in beauty.
I love seeing where our who’s who is based—yes, there are the New Yorks and L.A.s, but the majority of our influencers are from across the country. And this list is not at all about the number of followers—some of our MODERN SALON 100 Game Changers are just starting out on Instagram, but they’re doing all the things right.
So who are the MODERN SALON 100? First and fore-most, they’re salon professionals just like you. It’s when you compare their work side by side you can see that, though there isn’t a definite checklist in the way they all post, there are a lot of similarities.
The lighting in their photos is always natural or with a ring light, the angles are spot-on and the clarity of the hair is perfect. Watermarks aren’t too distracting, and the background isn’t disruptive to the beauty of the image.
The caption tells a story, shares a formula, engages followers and encourages comments. Hashtags showcase a healthy mix of both wide-reaching and specific words to help users find content relevant to their interests and improve the visibility of their own posts.
Several MS100 honorees from 2017 and 2018 were invited to be part of our first Artist Session: Influencer Series. These Game Changers paired up and collaborated on an editorial photoshoot using their signature techniques. See the looks starting on page 88.
Congratulations to 2018’s MODERN SALON 100! Want to catch our attention and get featured on @modernsalon? Make sure you’re following us and hashtagging #modernsalon! We’re always looking for our next featured artist. The more you post, the more we see you!
- Alison Alhamed, Editor in Chief