The Top Tool To Grow Your Business, #Hashtags
If you tag it, they will come.
If you tag it, they will come.
Scoping Things OutIn the ever-changing social media landscape, new app Periscope lets you connect with people in real-time—but how can this help your career? Kelly Ehlers, president of social media firm Ideas that Evoke, helps make sense ...
Think of your social media channels—Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as your first interview. This doesn’t mean shut everything down, but make sure the content you are displaying shows off your talents, personality ...
Things have changed in the social sphere, and I’ll give you just one “who’s done it” guess! That’s right folks, Facebook has changed its algorithm (the equation that decides what fans will see your Facebook posts) - ...
Social media for the salon, this isn’t your teenager’s social status friends; it’s not as easy as it looks. So, what does it take to be a social media community manager for a salon? With a mouthful of job responsibilities, it ...
Award Winning Agency Founder, Kelly Ehlers, to Lead Social Media Training For Stylists and Salon Owners in New York and Los Angeles
Evoke Brands, Inc. took their social media expertise to the Big Apple, sharing social tips and tricks with salon professionals at the new Wella Studio NYC in New York City May 18, 2014.
Here at Evoke Brands we’re obsessed with Instagram. And when I say obsessed, I mean we eat, sleep and breathe it! *hint – @EvokeBrands - hint* So you can imagine the excitement in the air at the office when Instagram comes out with a new feature that makes our lives easier. We just can’t help but share what we love about it – and also how awesome of a tool it is for businesses and salons to amp up their social game.
Facebook has announced that it is cleaning up the content that appears in its users newsfeeds. What does this mean? Never fear, because I’m here to protect you! Let’s be sure that your content is rich and engaging and your posts will be good to go!
In this day and age, if a brand doesn’t have a social presence…it’s like they don’t exist! But it’s not strictly about promoting your salon or products. It’s about feeding your consumers’ digital sweet tooth; a sweet tooth for three concepts with which we can all relate to, right? Candy, selfies, and a social reputation.
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