Please Put Brunette Back in the Pile of Hair Color Options
Please Put Brunette Back in the Pile of Hair Color Options

We don’t want Jess Dworniczak (@jessdeehair) to stop making #theblonderesistance a thing because while sharing the most beautiful browns, most lipsmacking mochas, and most delicious chocolates she is leading a charge to bring brunettes the respect they so richly deserve.

A MODERN SALON 100 Artist and MODERN SALON Artist Connective Member, Dworniczak, who is headquartered in Southampton, PA, calls her movement #theblonderesistance…and we volunteer as tribute if we can look like some of these bombshell browns.

“Somewhere along the line, every brunette in existence, minus the four of you that are still holding strong, decided that they wanted to be blonde…like, every last damn one of you,” she says. “What is happening here? Did Kylie Jenner go on her Snap thingy and declare it uncool? Are we still saying uncool? What was the sequence of events that I evidentially missed that brought us to this point?? Yooooo. Dark hair is friggin’ beautiful. It’s stunning. For SO many people, it’s actually the most flattering look possible. There are SO many gorgeous things I can to do enhance your brunette tones (yes, including balayage). So, for the love of God and everything holy, PLEASE put brunette hair colors back in the pile of options, already dark-haired woman. And do me a favor, please actually consider your stylist’s opinion when you’re contemplating making the blonde transition. I will look you dead ass in the windows to your soul and say, ‘Girl, you lookin like the dude from Power-- I’m not making you blonde.’ Not even with a pause between the words. I’m sayin’ that sh*t with conviction. Get you a stylist like that.

“From now on every time I post a gorgeous brunette I’m hashtagging #theblonderesistance. I’m making this a thing damn it. Who‘s with me?”



HASH. TAG. THE. BLONDE. RE. SIS. TANCE. #theblonderesistance ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Daniela is 100% Italian. Yea I know, shocking. But she wanted to do the thing just like the rest of instagram. So we lightened a little. Then she got a taste for blood. So we did a little more. My eye roll began. We did some more. Stronger eye roll. Very soon, this crack fiend needed a full out intervention. We went darker. It was time... or so I thought. Would u believe this bitch gets back in my chair for more blonde?! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Bruhhhhh. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Luckily, that last blonding session was her hair equivalent of “rock bottom”. She was finally ready. ⁣⁣ Her hair was way too dry and was getting brassy way too fast. The tangling in her fine hair took on a mind of its own. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ It was time. She was ready. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ One simple process, and we turned her into THIS. Are you kidding me right now? This chick was MEANT to be a brunette. I mean, come on... LOOK AT THIS. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In conclusion: I’m not even gonna say it. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Color balance (root color and end color): 150⁣⁣ Haircut: 65 ⁣⁣ Total: $215⁣⁣ Total time: 1.5 hrs⁣⁣ Only needing toners for like another year until we throw a few highlights in: PRICELESS

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Meg makes me want this hair every damn appointment. It’s like silent peer pressure from my clients.

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I wanna look like myself, but hotter... ⁣ ⁣ ...I gotchu fam. ⁣ ⁣ #theblonderesistance

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Anne Moratto

Anne Moratto

Director of Brand Content Strategy, MODERN SALON and NAILS

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