The Blonde Journey: Managing Expectations and Making Recommendations

Gabie Vossler specializes in blonding in Honolulu, Hawaii.

"As great as it is being sunny all year and having beautiful beaches, blondes are constantly coming to me for the first time and telling me about the warmth in their hair," she says. "To my surprise, most of them have never been consulted on how to take care of and maintain their blonde at home."

Here is how Vossler achieves the perfect blonde and helps her clients maintain it.


"This client came to me ​with four inches of regrowth and golden uneven mid-ends. Her goal was, well, where she is now, the last picture. I had to get really real with her and let her know it will take several sessions to achieve that level of lightness. By the way, when I do consultations I sit on a stool so I am at eye level with the guest and can write out price quotes, take notes of what they are saying, etc. It has made a world of difference! In our consultation I made sure she knew if she's out in the sun and in the ocean her toner will fade faster. She had no idea." 


Apply Aveda 40g Enlightener + 40g 15 vol around the face, 30 vol in the back.

I painted the 30 vol mix on the ends for added brightness.


1. 20g ELC + 2g pastel v +2g pastel b + 20 vol

2. 20g 10n, 20g 0n, +5g pastelv, + 1g pastel b + creme

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